Calvary is Hiring!
Are you passionate about serving in, and alongside of the church?
Come join our team!
Calvary is an active, semi-rural church with a heart for serving God in our community and our world.
Our vision is to be an authentic, Spirit-empowered, discipling community.
We are looking for a new part-time (18-24 hours weekly) Administrative
Assistant to replace our outgoing Administrative Assistant after 7 faithful years of service.
We are looking for a friendly and enthusiastic person with strong communication and interpersonal skills to fill this position.
Primary responsibilities include handling internal church communications through digital newsletter and social media tools, external communications with partner ministries and denominational offices, light bookkeeping, and maintaining accurate membership
Experience is an asset but not required, we are willing to train a qualified candidate. We offer flexible shifts and the ability to work from home or the office with a competitive salary.
The preferred candidate would be a member in good standing in the Christian Reformed Church, though we welcome members in good standing at other churches to apply. Attached is a complete job description with roles and responsibilities.
If you would like to apply, please send a cover letter and resume using the link below by April 30, 2024.
See job description (link below) for more details or contact us.
Women from different churches, situations, and backgrounds come together to support each other, to learn and listen to what God has for us each week, and to laugh, to cry, and to share our lives with each other. It's a place to feel safe and engage in a way and at a level that is comfortable.
Coffee Break is a joint ministry with Calvin Christian Reformed Church and it happens every Wednesday morning from 9:30-11 a.m. (September to May).
We begin our mornings as a large group, opening in devotions and prayer, and then break off into small groups for Bible study and discussion. In past years, we have offered different Bible studies at the same time to provide choice for those who come.
There is also nursery available for babies and toddlers, and Story Hour for your preschool children.
Unfortunately, Coffee Break is currently on hold. Please check back soon!
For more information:
Email or call the church office (905-628-2442)
Office Hours
Mon., Wed.-Fri. 9 AM-3 PM
Call Us
Email Us
Calvary's Registered Charitable No:
10683 2264 RR0001
Calvary CRC 265 Middletown Rd. Dundas, ON L9H 5E1