Three Years and the Changes they Bring

Three Years and the Changes they Bring

Last Wednesday, September 11, was the third ‘anniversary’ of my ordination. I had hoped to post this then, but it’s taken a lot of time and thought to try and pull my thoughts together to reflect on these first three years of ministry. It’s hard to believe that three...
The Importance of Discipline

The Importance of Discipline

Discipline is generally not a word we like to use. For many of us it carries some negative connotations. When we think of discipline, we tend to think of time-outs, “groundings”, spankings, or other forms of punishment we received as children for...
December 30 Sermon Reflection Questions

December 30 Sermon Reflection Questions

Do you feel like you never have enough time to do everything you think you need to do? What might you need to give up in order to live more intentionally? As you look back on 2018, are there regrets about how your time was spent? Joys over time spent well? What was...
Blessed … to be a Blessing (Psalm 67)

Blessed … to be a Blessing (Psalm 67)

I do not find it at all coincidental that I preached a sermon on Psalm 67 over the summer, only to find out a few weeks later that both GEMS and Cadets for this year have selected “Be a Blessing” for their theme this year. This also took place independently of the...
Let’s Go! Initial Thoughts for the Journey from Exodus

Let’s Go! Initial Thoughts for the Journey from Exodus

I have a couple more reflections on the Psalms to update on the blog, but I want to republish for you the summary points and reflection questions from this past Sunday morning’s message on Exodus 2. Although taking on Exodus is a bit of ambitious project (especially...